Virtual Seriesinvite some friends | create a home theatre

The Virtual Series is a brand new offering from the Trails In Motion Film Tour, an on demand streaming platform bringing you a diverse range of additional trail and ultra running content as a supplement to the annual live events enjoyed around the world.

Each year, filmmakers from all over the world submit their films for consideration on the annual tour, many of which we're unable to include. With the Virtual Series, we can now share these films with the Trails In Motion community, and at the same time, continue to build and maintain an outlet for creators who tirelessly bring incredible trail and ultra running stories to life. We hope you'll support them as well...enjoy!

Ep #1


films include: 

Ultra Simple | 53mins

by Arnaud Cailloux

Runner's High | 18mins

by Damian Gordon

Human Powered | 24mins

by Matt Cecill


Ep #3


films include: 

SPINE | 48mins

by Summit Fever Media

Resilient | 18mins

by David Ouimet

Into The Namib | 21mins

by Rae Tru-Browne



who we are 

The Trails In Motion Film Tour is an annual international film and content showcase for the community, by the community, bringing a collection of the finest trail and ultra running films to passionate audiences around the world. Join like-minded trail runners and adventure sports enthusiasts at engaging film festival-styled events as they come together to celebrate the diverse culture of the sport.

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